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Today Cosplay

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Merubah suara cowok menjadi cewek atau sebaliknya

Cara ini paling digemari oleh pranker (orang jahil) untuk mengerjai orang, silahkan dicoba cara berikut:

Cara Manual alias tanpa alat canggih :

1. Sering minum air jeruk nipis ditambah air hangat. minum sekitar tiga gelas sehari.

2. Sering minum madu dtambah air hangat.

3. latihan vokal.

4. Berhenti merokok, karena akan membuat suara menjadi nge bass dan berat.

Pakai Aplikasi canggih :

1. Pakai SpoofApp Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan di Iphone, Blackberry, dan Android .

fitur :

  • Realtime Voice Changer

    With the press of a button SpoofApp’s free voice changer can change your voice to sound like a man or a woman. No one will ever know who’s really calling! Hours of fun conversations and prank calls are the result of our realtime voice changer.
    • Caller ID Spoofing

      SpoofApp’s Caller ID Spoofing allows you to change what the person you're calling sees on the Caller ID display. With SpoofApp your privacy is protected, and you can be anyone you want to. SpoofApp is the #1 way to protect your privacy on the phone.

      Record & Playback Calls

      The ultimate way to record all your business and personal calls with no extra software or equipment ever needed. Save your calls to your computer, play them back instantly or share them via email, Facebook, MySpace and Twitter in a matter of seconds

2. Pakai Software Antares AVOX VST, Hampir sama dengan SpoofApp hanya saja software ini berjalan pada PC.
